
Focus on French Company Identification Numbers

What do SIREN, SIRET, APE, NAF, RCS and CFE mean? They are commonly used in France, particularly during business registrations. Let me explain. Firstly, if you wish to carry out business in France you [...]

Acronyms and Abbreviations in Common Use

Acronyms and abbreviations can be confusing. Social media shorthand is extensive. Businessmen use acronyms and abbreviations for marketing terms but also for chatting with their peers. There are also initialisms! So what are they? [...]

Culinary delights of Brittany

Culinary delights of Brittany Gourmets love the culinary delights of Brittany, be they from land or sea. Let me tempt you with my gastronomic tour of Breton cuisine. Recipes included! Brittany’s contribution to [...]

Guide: Storing Paperwork in France

Guide to organising and storing your paperwork This can be a daunting task in France. Which documents do you keep and for how long? It is baffling to many people, even to the French. [...]

Shakespeare’s Insults

Did you know that some words and sayings that we use on a daily basis were written by none other than William Shakespeare himself more than 400 years ago? His quotes on life, love [...]

The Outdoor Photo Festival of La Gacilly

Europe's biggest outdoor photo festival The Photo Festival of La Gacilly, Brittany: La Gacilly is a small, picturesque town in the Morbihan department of Brittany in north-western France. It is [...]

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